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Matching overview

Documentation for version: 0.41.2

Matching a subject with regular expressions is the most frequent usage of T-Regx.

Predication overview#

Conditions on subject matching certain Pattern are the most common. Methods Pattern.test(string) and Pattern.fails(string) can be used to determine whether a pattern matches the subject.

$agePattern = Pattern::of('[0-9]{2,}');
$agePattern->test("I'm 19 years old"); // bool (true)
$agePattern->fails("I'm 19 years old"); // bool (false)

Methods Pattern.test(string) and Pattern.fails(string) throw MalformedPatternExceptions, should they be called for a pattern with a malformed regular expression. Similarly to other T-Regx methods, test() and fails() throw other kinds of appropriate exceptions, for instance CatastrophicBacktrackingException should the subject happen to be too complex. Detailed reference to T-Regx exception handling is presented in the further chapters of the documentation.

Matching overview#

To match a subject, invoke match(string) on an instance of Pattern to receive the matcher. Invocation of match(string) doesn't perform any regular expression search just yet.

* Instantiate your pattern
$pattern = Pattern::of('\d+');
* Receive the subject matcher
$matcher = $pattern->match('I have 140 apples');

The detailed reference of Matcher functionalities is presented in the further chapters of the documentation. For overview, Matcher interface consists of methods:

The complete Matcher reference is present in the further chapters of the documentation.

Retrieve the first match#

Method Matcher.first() can be used to perform a single regular expression match against the subject.

* Instantiate digit pattern
$digitPattern = Pattern::of('[0-9]+');
* Receive matcher for the subject
$matcher = $digitPattern->match("I'm 19 years old. I was born in 1999");
* Perform a single regular expression match
$firstMatch = $matcher->first(); // object (Detail)

Instance of Detail represents the matched occurrence of the Pattern in the subject. Methods Detail.text() and Detail.offset() can be used to read information about the matched occurrence.

* Read the whole matched occurrence
$firstMatch->text(); // string ("19")
* Read the whole match as integer (in base 10)
$firstMatch->toInt(); // int (19)
* Read the occurrence position in subject (in characters)
$firstMatch->offset(); // int (4)

More information on first() is present in the next chapter. Reference on Detail can be found in "Match detail" chapter.

Iterating multiple matches#

Instance of Matcher is \Iterable, so it can be used directly in a foreach loop.

* Instantiate digit pattern
$digitPattern = Pattern::of('[0-9]+');
* Receive matcher for the subject
$matcher = $digitPattern->match("I'm 22 years old. I was born in 1999, so the current year must be 2021 or 2022");
* Perform global regular expression search and iterate matches
foreach ($matcher as $detail) {
* Detail used in string interpolation is the same as using Detail.text()
echo "Match found is '$detail' at position " . $detail->offset() . PHP_EOL;
if ($matcher->fails()) {
echo "Unfortunately, no occurrences of pattern were present in the subject";
} else {
echo "In total, {$matcher->count()} occurrences found in the subject";

The example above iterates occurrences of Pattern in the subject, retrieving the whole matches' values and their positions.

Match found is '22' at position 4
Match found is '1999' at position 32
Match found is '2021' at position 66
Match found is '2022' at position 74
In total, 4 occurrences found in the subject

Calling Matcher.fails() and Matcher.count() will not perform another global regular expressions searches, if the search has already been invoked by iterating the Matcher. In the example above Matcher is being iterated for occurrences of Detail in the subject, thus T-Regx performs the global regular expression search, finding occurrences ['22', '1999', '2021', '2022']. Further call to Matcher.fails() uses the results from the iteration and returns false without any additional search. Matcher.count() returns 4 immediately, using the number of occurrences found from the previous iteration. Of course, iterating the same instance of Matcher again will not perform unnecessary global search either. Further details about performance optimisations in T-Regx are presented in the next chapters of the documentation.

Retrieving multiple matches#

Method Matcher.all() can also be used to perform global regular expression search. Matcher.all() returns PHP array, precisely Detail[].

* Receive matcher for the subject
$matcher = $digitPattern->match("I'm 22 years old. I was born in 1999, so the current year must be 2021 or 2022");
* Perform global regular expression search and return matches
$details = $matcher->all(); // array ([Detail, Detail, Detail, Detail])
* Detail used in string interpolation is the same as using Detail.text()
echo "Match found is '{$details[0]}' at position " . $detail->offset() . PHP_EOL;

Methods Matcher.all(), Matcher.fails() and Matcher.count() throw MalformedPatternExceptions, should they be called for a pattern with a malformed regular expression. Similarly to other T-Regx methods, fails(), all() and count() throw other kinds of appropriate exceptions, for instance CatastrophicBacktrackingException should the subject happen to be too complex. Detailed reference to T-Regx exception handling is presented in the further chapters of the documentation.

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