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Capturing groups - in depth

In plain, old, vanilla PHP there's no difference between:

  • an invalid group (name 2group or index -1)
  • valid, but non-existent group
  • existent, but not matched group
  • matched group, but value is '' (empty string)

The two first cases always return null, the third one returns either '' or null (depending on the order of groups!). If you used PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, it'll return ['', -1] instead (so you need to compare the offset to -1). Matched empty string, of course, returns '' (which might the same as the third).

Also, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE for preg_match_all() works fine, but for preg_match(), if it's the last entry, it will not be an array, but an empty string instead ;|

Since PHP 7.2, there's PREG_UNMATCHED_AS_NULL - it's a little better, it allows distinguishing an unmatched subject from a matched empty string, but to distinguish invalid and non-existent groups from unmatched - you have to use array_key_exists().

For preg_match()/preg_match_all() we can use PREG_UNMATCHED_AS_NULL, for preg_replace_callback() we have... nothing. There's no way to verify it in vanilla-PHP.

And T-Regx hates it. So we fixed it all.

That's why in T-Regx, Detail has 3 separate methods to deal with each of these cases separately.

Of course, the interface of Detail is the same for matching, replacing and any other operation (unlike vanilla-PHP), so validation of groups in T-Regx works completely alike for pattern()->match(), pattern()->replace() and any other method. Detail always has the same interface and works exactly alike, no matter where it was used.

Here's how they work:

Invalid group\InvalidArgumentException\InvalidArgumentException\InvalidArgumentException
Nonexistent groupfalseNonexistentGroupExceptionNonexistentGroupException
Not matched grouptruefalseGroupNotMatchedException
Matched grouptruetrueValue of the group

In short:

  • You're protected from using an invalid group (2startingWithDigit or negative -1)
  • You're protected from using a non-existent method (except with hasGroup())
  • You're protected from using a non-matched group (except with hasGroup() and with matched())
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