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Multiple patterns

Documentation for version: 0.41.2

PatternList allows you to perform performance-optimized operations on a collection of patterns.

While using an array of Pattern in a loop is perfectly viable, it doesn't leave any room for performance optimisation. Operations of PatternList are designed to use minimal resources, such as a single call to PCRE. On the other hand - looping over Pattern will issue as many calls as there are patterns in the array.

Available methods#

Constructing the pattern list#

To create a pattern list, simply pass an array of patterns to Pattern::list() method. The elements in the array can either be string or instance of Pattern, or a mixture of those.

PatternList with Pattern instances#

$pattern1 = Pattern::of('https://(www)?\.google\.com');
$pattern2 = Pattern::of('')
$patternList = Pattern::list([ $pattern1, $pattern2 ]);

PatternList with prepared patterns#

Any instance of Pattern can be added into the list, including patterns created with Pattern::inject(), Pattern::template(), Pattern::mask() and Pattern::builder().

$pattern1 = Pattern::inject('https://@', [$domain]);
$pattern2 = Pattern::mask($mask, ['%' => '.*'])
$pattern3 = Pattern::alteration(['{one}', '{two}']);
$patternList = Pattern::list([ $pattern1, $pattern2, $pattern3 ]);

PatternList with string patterns#

Additionally, for convenience, passing string is allowed into Pattern::list(). Passing string into Pattern::list() behaves in exactly the same way, as wrapping the string in Pattern::of() beforehand.

$patternList = Pattern::list([ 'https://(www)?\.google\.com', '' ]);

Using either type is acceptable in a single Pattern::list():

$patternList = Pattern::list([
Pattern::inject('https://@', [$domain])

To be precise, Pattern::list() accepts (Pattern|string)[] as argument.

Available methods#

Matching either pattern#

After you have created PatternList, you can match the list against a certain subject.

Method PatternList.testAny() returns true when at least one of the patterns matches the subject, and false when none of the patterns matches the subject.

$patternList = Pattern::list([
if ($patternList->testAny('book')) {
// one of the patterns in the list matched 'book'

Method PatternList.failAny() returns true when at least one of the patterns fails to match the subject, and false when all the patterns match the subject.

$patternList = Pattern::list([
if ($patternList->failAny('book')) {
// one of the patterns in the list failed to match 'book'

Matching collective patterns#

Method PatternList.testAll() returns true only when all of the patterns match the subject, and false when any of the patterns fails to match the subject.

$patternList = Pattern::list([
if ($patternList->testAll('frodo')) {
// all the patterns in the list match 'frodo'

Method PatternList.failAll() returns true only when none of the patterns match the subject, and false when any of the patterns matches the subject.

$patternList = Pattern::list([
if ($patternList->failAll('boromir')) {
// none of the patterns in the list matches 'frodo'

Subject modification#

Prune a subject with the list#

Method PatternList.prune() allows to remove all occurrences of all the patterns in the list from the subject. prune() is useful for cleaning subject of unwanted elements.

$unwanted = Pattern::list([
'\w+@\w+\.\w{1,4}' // anything that looks like mail
'^ +', // leading spaces
' +$', // trailing spaces
$unwanted->prune(' Welcome (! '); // "Welcome ()!"

It's preferable over iterating the patterns and calling prune() individually, because of performance optimisations in PatternList.prune().

Overlapping patterns are being removed sequentially, based on the order of patterns in the list. In the example above, first the mails will be removed, then the leading spaces and the the trailing spaces.

Here's an example to illustrate the order of prune():

$list = Pattern::list([
$list->prune('Hello jello'); // "lo j"

Collective replace with()#

Method PatternList.replace() works very similarly to Pattern.replace(). To replace a subject with the collective list of patterns, call method replace(), which accepts the subject as an argument.

In this example, we'll replace every HTML tag and every number with string "XXX":

$pattern = Pattern::list([
$replacer = $pattern->replace($subject);
$replacer->with('XXX'); // HTML tags and numbers replaced with "XXX"

Please, refer to the StackOverflow question regarding matching HTML entities with regular expressions.

PatternList.replace() also supports Perl-Compatible group references in the replacements, available with method withReferences():

$pattern = Pattern::list([
$replacer = $pattern->replace("Hello <b>there</b>! How are <span>you</span>?");
$replaced = $replacer->withReferences('[$1]'); // "Hello [b]there[/b]! How are [span]you[/span]?"

Remember that with() doesn't accept references, so with('[$1]') will replace occurrences with literal string "[$1]" exactly, while withReferences('[$1]') will replace occurrences with the replacement string "[$1]" where $1 will be replaced with the capturing group of index 1. The references syntax is identical to Pattern.replace().withReferences(), so all syntaxes of references are supported: $1, \1 and ${1}.

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