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What's T-Regx?

Documentation for version: 0.41.2

T-Regx is a lightweight, high-level library for regular expressions in PHP. It's designed for simple projects and enterprise solutions.

The name "T-Regx" is a combination of words "Regex" and "T-Rex" (Tyrannosaurus Rex).

Main features of T-Regx are:

  • Separates Pattern syntax and matching process
  • Unifies differences in PCRE between PHP versions
  • Provides UTF-8 support out of the box
  • Uses exceptions (instead of errors/warnings/fatals and flags)
  • Regular expressions without delimiters (so Pattern::of("^foo") instead of preg_match("/^foo/"))
  • Provides prepared patterns for handling unsafe characters (e.g. user input, delicate values)
  • Has simplified, clean interface:
    • exposes proper methods (instead of returning null, false, "" or 0/-1 as magic values)
    • handles unnecessarily complex preg_ state and output, and exposes it as:
      • Pattern and PatternList for syntax and pattern building
      • Matcher, Detail, Group for matching (instead of nested array of string|int)
      • exceptions MalformedPatternException, SubjectNotMatchedException, GroupNotMatchedException, NonexistentGroupException

T-Regx uses PHP regular expressions under the hood, but its well encapsulated.

Example usages of T-Regx#

Example usage of matching#

use TRegx\CleanRegex\Pattern;
* Instantiate your pattern
$pattern = Pattern::of("^(f)oo");
$matcher = $pattern->match($_GET['input'])
if ($matcher->fails()) {
die("Nothing matched!");
* @var Detail $detail
foreach ($matcher as $detail) {
$detail->text(); // matched text
$detail->offset(); // matched offset in characters, for bytes use byteOffset()
$detail->get(1); // get first capturing group
echo "Found " . $matcher->count() . " occurrences";
* @var string[]
$splitElements = $pattern->split($_GET['input']); // split by regular expression

When calling multiple methods on the same $matcher object, T-Regx doesn't make any unnecessary calls to underlying PHP implementations.

$match->all(); // calls `preg_match_all()` to return Detail[]
$match->count(); // reuses the return value from the previous PHP call

Example usage of replacing#

use TRegx\CleanRegex\Pattern;
* Instantiate your pattern
$pattern = Pattern::of("https?://(\w+\.\w+)");
* Replace all matched occurrences
$replace = $pattern->replace($_GET['input'])
* Replace with a constant value
$replace->with('XXX'); // censor all links in the input
* Replace dynamically via callback
$replace->callback(function (Detail $detail): string {
return 'new';
* Replace with a group reference format
$replace->withReferences('://$1'); // censor links with group reference format

Example usage of splitting#

use TRegx\CleanRegex\Pattern;
* Match a vertical pipe or a comma
$pattern = Pattern::of('[|,]');
* Split all occurrences
$elements = $pattern->split($_GET['input']);
* Split limited occurrences, from the start
[$first, $second, ...$rest] = $pattern->splitStart($_GET['input'], 2);
* Split limited occurrences, from end
$elements = $pattern->splitEnd($_GET['input'], 2);

Example of prepared patterns#

This example illustrates a pattern that allows us to match string enclosed in double quote " or a backtick `, for example "foo" or `foo`, but not "foo` and not `foo".

Additionally, we want the word to be anything we want, including data that potentially holds special regular expression values.

use TRegx\CleanRegex\Pattern;
$word = "my.word"; // we want the period to be treated literally
* Inject the value into @ placeholder in the pattern
$pattern = Pattern::inject('(["`])@\1', [$word]);
$patter->test('content with "my.word"'); // bool (true)
$patter->test('content with "my!word"'); // bool (false)

Method Pattern.test() returns true if, and only if a pattern matches the given subject. In this example, we can see that despite the dot character used in "my.word", the subject 'content with "my!word"' isn't matched.

That's because prepared patterns (such as patterns created with Pattern::inject()) treat each value literally, not as regular expression special characters.

You can read more about prepared patterns in Handling user input.

Example of exception handling#

Example usage of an incorrect pattern:

use TRegx\CleanRegex\Pattern;
use TRegx\Exception\MalformedPatternException;
try {
* Try and use an incorrect pattern
$pattern = Pattern::of('+++++');
} catch (MalformedPatternException $malformed) {
echo "Pattern is incorrect: " . $malformed->getMessage();

Example handling of backtracking limit:

use TRegx\CleanRegex\Pattern;
use TRegx\SafeRegex\Exception\CatastrophicBacktrackingException;
$pattern = Pattern::of('(?:1+1+)+3');
try {
$replace = $pattern->match('11111111111111111111 3')->first();
$replace = $pattern->replace('11111111111111111111 3')->withGroup('empty');
} catch (CatastrophicBacktrackingException $exception) {
echo "Failed to match the subject, without exhausting backtracking limit";

Code completion with IDE#

Because Pattern is designed with methods and objects, IDE suggestions can be very helpful when developing applications with Pattern. Proper suggestions from IDE reduce time spent of reading documentations and finding the correct syntax or notation.

code completion

Similar code completion is available for Matcher, Group and other parts of T-Regx library.

Error handling in T-Regx#

Examples of a missing group#

use TRegx\CleanRegex\Pattern;
* Pattern with only one capturing group
$pattern = Pattern::of('(Foo)Bar');
* Create matcher for a given subject
$matcher = $pattern->match('FooBar');
* Perform one match on the subject.
* This calls preg_match() under the hood.
$firstDetail = $matcher->first();
* Try and read a second group
try {
} catch (NonexistentGroupException $exception) {
echo "There is no such group";

Examples of error handling in T-Regx#

T-Regx doesn't interfere with userspace in any way. After using Pattern or Matcher with pattern or subject which can't be matched because of malformed unicode encoding, or perhaps because of catastrophic backtracking, a suitable exception will be thrown, but the userspace will be left intact, so calling preg_last_error() won't return errors.

use TRegx\CleanRegex\Pattern;
* Pattern in unicode mode, because of modifier 'u'
$pattern = Pattern::of('(Foo)Bar', 'u');
$invalidUnicodeSubject = "\xc3\x28";
try {
$matcher = $pattern->match($invalidUnicodeSubject)->first();
} catch (SubjectEncodingException $exception) {
echo "There is a unicode encoding error in the subject";
preg_last_error(); // `PREG_NO_ERROR`
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