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Match details

When using pattern()->match() and pattern()->replace->callback(), some methods returns Detail details object.

The details can be used to get concise information about the matched occurrence, such as its value (i.e. "the whole match"), capturing groups and their character/byte offsets, indices, other matches as well as the used subject (although it could also be pass as a closure parameter) and more.

For example, to read the offset at which the occurrence was matched, use Detail.offset():

// Instantiate pattern
$pattern = pattern('[A-Z][a-z]+');
// match the first occurrence
$detail = $pattern->match('I like Trains')->first();
// read position of the first match
$detail->offset(); // 2


Using Detail details, you gain access to:

  • text() - value of a matched occurrence
  • toInt()/isInt() which allow you to handle integers safely
  • subject() - subject against which the pattern was matched
  • index() - ordinal value of a matched occurrence
  • offsets of matched values in the subject (UTF-8 safe):
    • offset() - position of the occurrence in characters
    • length() - length of the matched occurrence in characters
    • tail() - position after the occurrence in characters (tail=offset+length)
  • byte versions of the methods:
    • byteOffset() - position of the occurrence in bytes
    • byteLength() - length of the matched occurrence in bytes
    • byteTail() - position after the occurrence in bytes (tail=offset+length)
  • all() - other matched occurrences
  • details about capturing groups, in the next chapter: Capturing groups

Matched text#

There are 6 similar ways to get the value of the matched occurrence.

$detaill = pattern('[A-Z][a-z]+')->match('I like Trains')->first();
$detail->text(); // using text() method
$detail->get(0); // group #0 is the whole match in all regexp engines
$detail->group(0)->text(); // group #0 is the whole match in all regexp engines
(string) $detail; // cast it to string
"$detail"; // enclose it in double quotes

or you can just accept string in the callback signature.

// Instantiate pattern
$pattern = Pattern::of('[A-Z][a-z]+');
// map each occurrence
$pattern->match('I like Trains')->map(function (string $match) {
return $match; // string ('Trains')

All of them are redundant and equal to each other. Their redundancy comes from the fact the there are a few ways of casting an object to string in PHP, casting Detail to string is the same as getting text() in T-Regx, and that the whole match is also group 0 in regular expressions.

There's also Unicode-safe method length() which returns the length of a matched text.

// Instantiate pattern
$pattern = Pattern::of('[A-Z][a-z]+');
// map each occurrence
$pattern->match('I like Trains')->map(function (Detail $detail) {
return $detail->text(); // string ('Trains')
return $detail->length(); // 6


Method isInt() returns true if, and only if, the matched occurrence is numeric. And by "numeric", we mean "real" numeric, not PHP numeric:

  • String values considered valid integers:
    • '14', '-14', '000'
  • Strings that aren't treated as valid integers:
    • '+14', ' 10', '10 ', '', ' ', '0.0', '0,0',

The string is considered a valid integer if:

  • contains only 0-9 characters, and more than 1 of them (so 00 is also a valid integer, but '' isn't)
  • optionally starts with only one - sign
  • its numeric representation is:
    • higher or equal PHP_INT_MIN (-9223372036854775808)
    • lower or equal PHP_INT_MAX (9223372036854775807)
  • doesn't contain any other characters

Checking and parsing#

There are two methods regarding integers: isInt() and toInt().

$detail->isInt() returns true/false depending on whether the matched occurrence is numeric. toInt() returns said numeric occurrence as an integer, or throws IntegerFormatException instead.

$matcher = pattern('\d+')->match('User input was: 4 times');
$detail = $matcher->first();
if ($detail->isInt()) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $detail->toInt(); $i++) {
// tasks

It's implemented with filter_var(), but you can think of it as /^-?[0-9]+$/ with max/min values check.


To get the subject in your callback, use Detail.subject():

pattern('[A-Z][a-z]+')->match('I like Trains')->map(fn(Detail $detail) => $detail->subject());
'I like Trains'

This is equivalent to storing the subject in a variable and using it in your closure.

// Instantiate pattern
$pattern = pattern('[A-Z][a-z]+');
// map each occurrence
$pattern->match('I like Trains')->map(fn(Detail $detail) => 'I like Trains');

Ordinal value (index)#

Detail.index() returns the ordinal number of a matched occurrence.

In this example, we'll modify every second word:

pattern('\w+')->match('I like Trains, but I also like bikes')->map(function (Detail $detail) {
if ($detail->index() % 2 === 0) {
return strtolower($detail);
return strtoupper($detail);
['i', 'LIKE', 'trains', 'BUT', 'i', 'ALSO', 'like', 'BIKES']


Detail.offset() can be used to get the offset of the matched occurrence in the subject. Detail.offset() is unicode character safe and returns offset in characters, whereas Detail.byteOffset() returns the offset in bytes.

$pattern = Pattern::of('here');
$detail = $pattern->match('Apples for 0.30€, here')->first();
$characters = $detail->offset(); // 18
$byes = $detail->byteOffset(); // 20

Here's what the numbers mean:

Apples for 0.30€, here
A p p l e s f o r 0 . 3 0 € , h e r e
65 112 112 108 101 115 32 102 111 114 32 48 46 51 48 226 130 172 44 32 104 101 114 101

In other words, offset() treats bytes [226, 130, 172] as one unicode character (euro sign €) and counts them as one; whereas byteOffset() would count them as three.



Method Detail.tail() simply returns the position of the last character in a matched occurrence.

$detail = pattern('ipsum')->match('Lorem ipsum')->first();
$start = $detail->offset(); // 6
$end = $detail->tail(); // 11

There's also Detail.byteTail() which returns the tail in bytes, instead of characters.

Other occurrences#

Detail has access to other matched occurrences:

  • Detail.all() - for whole matches (like Detail.text())
  • - for capturing groups (like

Even if you use first() or only(int) methods, Detail.all() always returns unlimited occurrences.

pattern('\w+')->match('Apples are cool')->map(function (Detail $detail) {
return [
'match' => $detail->text(),
'all' => $detail->all()
['match' => 'Apples', 'all' => ['Apples', 'are', 'cool']],
['match' => 'are', 'all' => ['Apples', 'are', 'cool']],
['match' => 'cool', 'all' => ['Apples', 'are', 'cool']]


With|int), you can easily retrieve capturing groups.

Just like with Detail, retrieving matched occurrence value is done with text() method or by casting it to string.

$pattern = Pattern::of('(?<value>\d+)(?<unit>cm|mm)');
$matcher = $pattern->match('192mm and 168cm or 18mm and 12cm');
$detail = $matcher->first();
$text = $detail->text(); // '192mm'
$value = (string) $detail->group('value'); // '192'
$unit = $detail->group('unit')->text(); // 'mm'
$value = $detail->get('value'); // '192'
$unit = $detail->get('unit'); // 'mm'

More about capturing groups can be found in the next section: Capturing groups.

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