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Replacing overview

Documentation for version: 0.41.2

Use Pattern.replace() to perform regular expression search and replace.

Replacing with a constant value#

To replace occurrences of a regular expression pattern in a given subject, use Pattern.replace() to instantiate a Replace operation for the subject and .with() to replace the ocurrence with a constant string value.

// Instantiate a pattern
$pattern = Pattern::of('\w{4,}', 'i');
// instantiate a replace operation
$replace = $pattern->replace('Some of these words are longer');
// perform regular expression search and replace
$output = $replace->with('XXX'); // (string) "XXX of XXX XXX are XXX"

Replace.with() returns a new string with content of the subject, but with occurrences of a regular expression replaced by a given string argument.

If the pattern doesn't match the subject at all, .with() returns the subject unmodified.

Replacing with an empty string#

While it is possible to call Replace.with() with an empty string "" to remove the occurrences, it's more semantic to call Pattern.prune().

// Instantiate a pattern
$pattern = Pattern::of('\w{4,}', 'i');
// using Replace.with() ๐Ÿ—™
$replace = $pattern->replace('Some of these words are longer');
$output = $replace->with(''); // replace with an empty string
// using Pattern.prune() โœ“
$output = $pattern->prune('Some of these words are longer');

Replace with a group#

Method Replace.withGroup() can be used to replace occurrences of a regular expression in the subject with a capturing group of the expression. To replace the occurrence of regular expression in the subject with a capturing group, pass an ordinal number of the group as the first argument of Replace.withGroup().

// Instantiate a pattern with a capturing group
$domainPattern = Pattern::of('www\.([\w.-]+)', 'i');
// instantiate a replace operation
$replace = $domainPattern->replace('I have a link: and');
// replace domain with just the top level domain
$output = $replace->withGroup(1); // (string) "I have a link: and"

The regular expression www.([\w.-]+) matches substring "", in which the capturing group 1 captures "". Replacement operation is invoked using withGroup(1), and so the matched occurrence is replaced by the content of the capturing group. The second occurrence of the matched pattern is "", in which the first capturing group captures "".

Method Replace.withGroup() accepts int|string. With argument of type int passed, the capturing group is referred to by an ordinal number, commonly known as "group index". Capturing groups are ordered by their opening parenthesis. For example: in pattern (Cat)(Foo(Bar)), group (Cat) is assigned an ordinal number 1, group (Foo(Bar)) is assigned an ordinal number 2, and group (Bar) is assigned an ordinal number 3.

Because the matched occurrence is always implicitly captured and is assigned an ordinal number 0, call Replace.withGroup(0) performs a somewhat redundant search and replace, because it returns the subject unmodified, as the matched occurrence is replaced by itself.

Named groups#

Method Replace.withGroup() accepts int|string. With argument of type string passed, the capturing group is referred to by its group name. Not all capturing groups are named, for example group (Foo) is not a named group.

Explicit syntax is available for named groups: (?<###>...), where ### is the name of the group, for example: (?<capital>[A-Z])[a-z]+). Alternative syntax for named group is (?P<###>...) or (?'###'...).

// Instantiate a pattern with a named capturing group
$domainPattern = Pattern::of('(?<capital>[A-Z])[a-z]{2,})');
// instantiate a replace operation
$replace = $domainPattern->replace('My name is Mark, and his name is John');
// replace names with their capital letters
$output = $replace->withGroup('capital'); // (string) "My name is M, and his name is J"

Named capturing groups can be referred to either by ordinal numbers or by the name. In pattern (?<capital>[A-Z])[a-z]{2,}), the first group can be used to replace the occurrence either using withGroup(1) or withGroup('capital'). In other words, all capturing groups are assigned an ordinal number, but only named groups can be referred to by their name.

Additionally, modifier /n can be used when instantiating Pattern by passing Pattern::NO_AUTOCAPTURE or by simply passing string literal 'n' .

$pattern = Pattern::of('(https?://)?(?<domain>[\w.]+)', Pattern::NO_AUTOCAPTURE);
$pattern = Pattern::of('(https?://)?(?<domain>[\w.]+)', 'n');

Because modifier Pattern::NO_AUTOCAPTURE is used in $pattern, only the named groups are captured, and so group (https?://) is not captured. In this case (?<domain>[\w.]+) is captured and is assigned an ordinal number 1.

In patterns without modifier 'n' - Pattern::NO_AUTOCAPTURE, syntax (?:...) can be used to add a non-capturing group.

Unmatched group#

Method Replace.withGroup() throws GroupNotMatchedException when replacement is attempted with an unmatched group.

In example below, group (http://) is followed by ?. Such group may not be matched, while the whole pattern matches. Such groups are referred to as "optional groups", because for different subjects they may or may not be matched.

// Instantiate a pattern
$domainPattern = Pattern::of('(http://)?www.[\w.-]+');
// instantiate a replace
$replace = $domainPattern->replace('I have a link: and');
// try to replace with an unmatched group
$output = $replace->withGroup(1); // (GroupNotMatchedException): Expected to replace with group #1, but the group was not matched

Nonexistent group#

Method Replace.withGroup() throws NonexistentGroupException when replacement is attempted with a group that is not present in the pattern.

// Instantiate a pattern
$domainPattern = Pattern::of('(http://)?www.[\w.]+');
// instantiate a replace
$replace = $domainPattern->replace('subject');
// try to replace with a nonexistent group
$output = $replace->withGroup(3); // (NonexistentGroupException): Nonexistent group: #3
$output = $replace->withGroup('missing'); // (NonexistentGroupException): Nonexistent group: 'missing'

In fact, any operation on a missing group apart from .groupExists() throws NonexistentGroupException.

Replace with a callback#

Method Replace.callback() performs a regular expression search, passes the flow control back to the caller via callable, which accepts a matched occurrence as Detail argument, and then performs replacement with the values returned from the callable. Each matched occurrence of the regular expression in the subject is replaced by string value returned from the callable. In other words, Replace.callback() accepts a callable, which is supposed to map the received Detail argument to a new string replacement.

// Instantiate a pattern
$pattern = Pattern::of('[A-Z][a-z]+');
// instantiate a replace
$replace = $pattern->replace('I like scandinavia: Sweden, Norway and Denmark');
// replace occurrences with a callback
$replace->callback(fn (Detail $match) => \strToUpper($match->text()));
// (string) "I like scandinavia: SWEDEN, NORWAY and DENMARK"

Matched occurrence#

The matched occurrence of the regular expression in the subject is passed as an argument to the callable argument of Replace.callback().

The matched occurrence is passed as Detail, which is the same interface as the one representing the matched occurrence in Pattern.match(), for example Matcher.first().

All of the implementation differences between internal structures of matching and replacing are unified under the common Detail interface.

Accepted return values#

Argument callable passed to Replace.callback() can only return string, which is the new replacement.

When value of type other than string is returned from the callable, then Replace.callback() throws InvalidReplacementException.

$pattern = Pattern::of('[A-Z][a-z]+');
$replace = $pattern->replace('I like scandinavia: Sweden, Norway and Denmark');
$replace->callback(function (Detail $match): int {
return 2;
// (InvalidReplacementException): Invalid callback() callback return type. Expected string, but integer (2) given

Stringable return values#

Note, that objects implementing Stringable or objects with __toString() are also invalid.

Received argument Detail can be cast to string, which is the same as calling Detail.text(); but returning object of type Detail or any other Stringable object throws InvalidReplacementException.

$replace->callback(function (Detail $match): Detail {
$match->text(); // (string) "Sweden"
(string) $match; // (string) "Sweden"
return $match;
// (InvalidReplacementException): Invalid callback() callback return type. Expected string, but...

To conveniently return object of type Detail or other Stringable type, specify PHP string type-hint on the anonymous function or explicitly cast the object to string.

$replace->callback(function (Detail $match) {
return (string) $match; // explicit cast to string
$replace->callback(function (Detail $match): string { // PHP "string" type-hint
return $match;

Specify string type-hint, so that PHP can implicitly cast the object to string, or omit the type-hint and allow Replace.callback() to validate the type of the return values, in case the returned value is of other type.

PHP callable notation#

In PHP, certain string and array values are also callable.

  • 'strToUpper', 'strToLower' - a callable that behaves similarly to global strToUpper() and strToLower() functions
  • [$this, 'replace'] - a callable tht behaves similarly to a method .replace() on $this
// Instantiate a pattern
$pattern = Pattern::of('[A-Z][a-z]+');
// instantiate a replace
$replace = $pattern->replace('I like scandinavia: Sweden, Norway and Denmark');
// replace occurrences with a callback
$replace->callback('strToUpper'); // (string) "I like scandinavia: SWEDEN, NORWAY and DENMARK"

Function strToUpper() accepts string as argument, and so when callback('strToUpper') is called, the Detail is passed as an argument to strToUpper(). Because strToUpper() accepts string, then Detail is being cast to string, which is the same as calling Detail.text().

In PHP, an array [$this, 'replace'] is also a valid callable.

class HelloWorld {
public function run() {
// Instantiate a pattern
$pattern = Pattern::of('[A-Z][a-z]+');
// instantiate a replace
$replace = $pattern->replace('I like scandinavia: Sweden, Norway and Denmark');
// replace occurrences with a callback
$replace->callback([$this, 'replace']); // (string) "I like scandinavia: SWEDEN, NORWAY and DENMARK"
private function replace(Detail $match): string {
return \strToUpper($match->text());

Notice, that Replace.callback() truly accepts callable as argument type. However, in PHP certain values are also regarded as callable, for instance the aforementioned "strToUpper" or [$this, 'replace'].

Replace with references#

Method Replace.withReferences() can be used to pass a formatting string to PCRE, which is an internal implementation of T-Regx and other regular expression methods in PHP.

Replace.withReferences() is listed last, as this is the least recommended mean of replacing elements. Please, try and use .with(), .withGroup() or .callback() first, and only use .withReferences() as the last resort.

// Instantiate a pattern
$domainPattern = Pattern::of('(?:(https?)://)?www.[\w.-]+');
// instantiate a replace
$replace = $domainPattern->replace('I have a link: and');
// replace with a formatting string
$output = $replace->withReferences('<scheme:$1>'); // (string) "I have a link: <scheme:https> and <scheme:>"

Method Replace.withReferences() replaces the matched occurrences with the formatting string, with certain tokens populated by captured groups, for example: $1.

Special tokens in formatting string:

  • $ and a capturing group ordinal number: $1, $2 and also $0
  • \ and a capturing group ordinal number: \1, \2 and also \0
  • ${, a group ordinal number and a closing }: ${1}, ${2} and also ${0}

Please, be advised that Replace.withReferences() is discouraged, because of a number of reasons:

  • Formatting string tokens use special characters which can be mistaken for PHP language syntax (e.g. for example format token \1 can be mistaken for PHP notation of chr(1))
  • Unmatched groups are simply ignored, and implicitly replaced by an empty string "", which may or may not be desired
  • Nonexistent groups are ignored, which can lead to hard to find bugs
  • Formatting string can't be used to reference capturing groups by names
  • Is a tight dependency on internal PCRE format

For these reasons we recommend using .with(), .withGroup() and .callback().

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